Wednesday, April 6

Ups and Downs

My husband and I recently had a conversation that went something like this: "Why don't you ever put me on a pedestal the way my old boyfriends used to do?" The answer? "Honestly hon, you kind of dated down." Ouch.

The Pulitzers were awarded a couple days ago. I'm sorry to say that my blog didn't make the list. I've already begun a blogging campaign to encourage modernization of the Prize with inclusion of a blog category in 06. So far, only the two people who read my blog are on board.

But on the upside, I now have a reporter friend who just took the 05 prize for best beat reporting in healthcare. OK, let's be honest: I worked with her a couple times, we talked about our kids, she sat in on a concall I organized, I think she does great work, and she probably doesn't remember my name. That said, she won the Prize. And an instant upgrade from media contact to "reporter friend". Lucky, lucky her.

So my question is this: What's the fastest route to relationship upgrade? If I win the Pulitzer for best blog, do I win the Pedestal too?

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