Monday, May 23

Women of the Galaxy, Unite

Finally got around to Revenge of the Sith. Since I reviewed it last post without even having seen, and since there are countless reviews elsewhere, I'll spare you.

Except to say this:

What the heck happened to the resourceful, athletic, involved, intelligent, diplomatic Padmei? Pregnant = glowy, self-imposed exile in some apartment building waiting for your turning-to-the-dark-side husband to figure everything out? I didn't take her for that kind of woman. Last I saw she was standing on top of a very tall pillar fighting off a massive, doglike beast. With a chain.

I mean, if you're pregnant, and you want to lie around your apartment, fine. I've been pregnant, and I certainly did my share of saving my strength. It's truly exhausting work, making and growing a real live baby from scratch. No hard feelings. But considering the galaxy's at war, Annikan's at the middle of a massive evil coup, and the Jedi are losing ground, this mother of one thinks action-oriented democracy-loving Padmei maybe could have done just an eensy-weensy bit more to redirect the inevitable fall of the Republic into Sith hands.

Maybe just.

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